Proper lighting for a room is perhaps the single most important characteristic any good photo can have. This can be the cause of many issues when photographing real estate. Rooms can be too light — too many windows, pale walls and furnishings — and need to be darkened for an effective shot. Rooms can be too dark — no windows, dark-colored furniture and/or walls — and need to be brightened or lightened. But not darkrooms — they need to stay dark! (That’s a photography joke, heh.)
The photo above is a good example of a room which could have been overwhelmed with light, if taken at the wrong angle, or the wrong time of day. With proper technique applied, even the scenery outside the window shows up nicely! Here’s an example of the opposite, a room with only one small window and dark walls that could easily have resulted in a very murky photo. With judicious use of interior lighting, and again, the right angle and time of day, a very nice shot was achieved!